Source code for src.modules.controller

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018 Ross Jacobs All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""This is the MVC controller for both gui and cli interfaces"""
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication

# Local modules
from src.gui.main_window import MainWindow
from src.gui.login_dialog import LoginDialog
from src.cli.merlink_cli import MainCli

[docs]class Controller: """This is the MVC controller for both gui and cli interfaces. This class will be called by / and will control the application. Controller uses an interface object whose methods are implemented by both MainWindow and MainCli. Attributes: interface (MainWindow | MainCli): Calls interface-dependent functions (this is a primitive form of overloading). app (QApplication): Required for the Qt program flow, not used for CLI """ # Telling PyCharm linter not to (incorrectly) inspect PyQt function args # noinspection PyArgumentList def __init__(self): super(Controller, self).__init__() # If there is one argument, start GUI # Otherwise, start CLI gui_application = (len(sys.argv) == 1) if gui_application: = QApplication(sys.argv) # We want to be able to be connected with VPN with systray icon self.interface = MainWindow() # Make main window grayed out while user logs in self.interface.setEnabled(False) login = LoginDialog() login.exec_() # Assuming that if this executes properly, we'll have a # browser from the login fn that has the required cookies self.interface.browser = login.browser # Make main window active again self.interface.setEnabled(True) else: # MainCli After 'Main Window' convention self.interface = MainCli() exit() self.program_structure() if gui_application: # Required Qt logic to start window sys.exit()
[docs] def program_structure(self): """Contains the interface-independent structure of the program. Currently, it implements a couple functions that start the GUI application while the CLI is still unwritten. Main menu should show the following across interfaces: 1. Existing VPN connections that we can connect to 2. After list of VPN connections, have a "+ Add a connection" option 3. Indicate which VPN connections that are currently active (if any) 4. Route table (should change when a VPN connection is made) 5. Latency/loss/bandwidth graph used for a connected VPN It should return the next user action """ # Get organization info so we have something to show user self.interface.browser.org_data_setup() self.interface.show_main_menu() """ TODO: Uncomment this section or delete user_action = self.interface.get_user_action() # Default right now is to combine them if user_action == 'add vpn' or user_action == 'connect vpn': self.interface.add_vpn() self.interface.connect_vpn() self.interface.show_result() elif user_action == 'troubleshoot vpn': self.interface.troubleshoot_vpn() elif user_action == 'quit': exit() """